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Virtual Program

To turn the pages of this virtual booklet click on the photos. Learn about our amazing cast and crew!

Portrait of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, circa 1896
A Mad Woman by Eugene Delacroix 1822
Princess Tarakanova, in the Peter and Paul Fortress at the Time of the Flood by Konstantin Flavitsky
Narrator - Bria Kay Johnson
The Woman in the Wallpaper - Jennifer Marinelli
Jennie/John - Juliana Cerón
Voice of John- Tyler Riley
Playwright- L.J. Longo
Composer/Sound Designer- Justin D. Mac
Director of Social Media and P.R. - Isabel Thomas
Set and Graphic Designer- Timothy Simon
Costume Designer- Sanja Manakoski
Production Manager/Stage Manager- Melissa Bondar
Director- Lane McLeod Jackson
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